
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fear and Trepidation in Zombieland

In many ways, I feel like I've come to the party late.  What I mean by that is I'm writing a zombie apocalypse novel.  My fear is that the reading public is done with the zombie apocalypse and is ready to move on the next fad, be it mutant robots, resurrected vegetables or whatever.

Stant Litore, a writer who's written several zombie novels, posted a note in the Horror Forum on Amazon asking readers to rate where they were on the following continuum:

Are you "zombied out?"
A. Heck no, bring me more ghouls!
B. I enjoy reading boks with an entirely new take on zombies
C. Meg, somewhat
D. Please God, make the zombies stop
F. Zombies were never on my thing anyway

While I was heartened by the fact that many people did respond with "A- Bring on the Zombies," I was discouraged that many were getting fatigued by the genre.

Ergo, why I'm feeling fear and trepidation.

Of course, you have to write the book you want to write and right now, it's a zombie apocalypse novel.  I do think well written books -- in whatever genre they're written in -- will break through to audiences.  Or least I delude myself with that thought.

What do you think?

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