
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Feed the Zombies 2 - Facebook Zombie Fiction Extravaganza

24 Hours of Zombie Fiction
Michelle Kilmer, C. E. Robertson, Darren Wearmouth, Katie Cord, Jack Wallen, Rachel Tsoumbakos, Claire C. Riley, A. Carina Barry, Randy Spears, Dan Eagles, Timothy W. Long, S.P. Durnin, Tonia Brown, Rhiannon Frater, Owen Baillie, K.R. Chin, Mark Tufo, John O'Brian J.L. Bourne, Aramand Rosimilia, Jonathan Moon, Joseph A. Coley, and David Moody. There will also be a special offering from Craig DiLouie, Jackie Druga, Eloise J. Knapp, Rhiannon Frater, Stephen Knight, and Joe McKinney. Get ready, we're going to rock this town with zom-apoc!

All for only $99. cents

Friday, November 21, 2014

Edward P. Cardillo - Author Interview

Edward P. Cardillo is an inventive author, coming at horror and science fiction from exciting and oblique angles.  His Automaton series is truly ingenious.  Personally, I've gotten to know Ed through our shared relationship with J. Ellington Ashton Press.  He never ceases to amaze me with his intelligence and wit.

Author's Featured Works

I Am Automaton (Severed Press) has won three Reader's Favorite International Awards and was also selection for Zombie Book of the Month in 2014.  He has written two additional follow-up books.

His book, The Odd Tales of an Old Man (J Ellington Ashton Press), has received effusive praise from critics and readers alike.  Midwest Book Review gave it 5 out of 5 stars.

Why do you write about dark and scary things?
It’s just the way I’m wired. Some people like roller coasters, some like haunted houses. I like writing and reading horror…and haunted houses. Not roller coasters, though. As a clinical psychologist, I’m fascinated with fear. It’s an emotion that’s crucial to the survival instinct, yet in excess it can bog down one’s life. Horror fiction is a safe way to feel the exhilaration of being the object of the hunt, the chased pray facing a superior predator.

What is your latest project/release and what is it about?
My latest release was “FeralHearts” (J. Ellington Ashton Press), an epic 6-author vampire collaboration with 6 characters and 6 alternate endings. Co-authored with Amanda M. Lyons, Michael Fisher, Jim Goforth, Mark Woods, and catt dahman, this was my editorial debut.

Six young people from different walks of life embark on a singles’ tour in Derosso, Italy, only to encounter a strip club in town that preys upon the men. Warned to stay away by their guide, two of the tourists give in to their curiosity and encounter the undead exotic dancers within. Lured by promises of untold carnal pleasures, these lonely hearts invite disaster on their group and the rest of the town. Wild and erotic, manipulative and vicious, these feral vampires are not at all romantic…they’re predators. 

Six different characters and six different endings, this tale is not for the faint of heart.

It is only for Feral Hearts.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer and how do you go about the writing process?
I’ve known I wanted to be a writer since I’ve been a kid.

It depends on the genre. For my more sci-fi oriented horror, I like to plan plots and subplots, and outline. Plot twists and action scenes need to be choreographed and red herrings convincingly executed. Then, of course, there’s the research on technology, weaponry, military protocol, politics, etc.

My pure horror/dark fantasy tends to be more organic, the source of my most potent elements being actual nightmares I’ve had. I appreciate a good nightmare. When I wake up in a cold sweat, I write everything down for use later. My wife can tell when I’m “on the jazz” with a good idea because I toss and turn and cry out at night. But make no mistake…I actually love a good nightmare. Once again, it’s the way I’m wired.

What advice do you have for other writers?
Write, submit/query around. As you’re doing that, write and submit the new stuff while submitting the old stuff. Keep writing. Submit that new material, and so on and so on, ad infinitum. Unless you have aspirations to publish through a big 5 house, if you write genre fiction, don’t worry so much about chasing agents. Query publishers directly if they allow it, but make sure you follow their submission guidelines to the nine.

Don’t be afraid to submit your work to contests. You never know. What’s the worst that can happen—you don’t win? My first two books in the “I Am Automaton” trilogy won Reader’s Favorite International Book Awards as unpublished manuscripts, the first book finishing in the same category with a NY Times Best Seller. That got me attention and helped me land a book deal with Severed Press. Book 3 won as a published book, making it an award-winning trilogy. While promoting “I Am Automaton,” I attracted the attention of J. Ellington Ashton Press, who snatched up “The Odd Tales of an Old Man” and commissioned “Feral Hearts.”

What is your favorite zombie movie and why?
The original “Night of the Living Dead.” I loved the stripped down, realistic sensibility. The movie wasn’t overproduced with uber special effects laden zombies with state of the art gore effects. The zombies looked very human, which I find terrifying.

What’s up next for you?
I’m wrapping up book one in a new zombie series for Severed Press that should be out the beginning of 2015. I’ve been teaching a fiction workshop leader at the Bronx Loaf Writer’s Conference for inner city youth, helping them develop their work and identity as writers. I’m continuing to grow my readership, and I’m enjoying interacting with old and new fans.

His Featured Works

Find Out More About Ed

Claire C. Riley Author Interview

Claire C. Riley says she is best characterized as an old-school horror writer, creating unique modernizations of classic horror themes.  She likes fusing elements from different genres while making them cutting-edge and fresh.

I'm most familiar with her Odium series.  This is fantastic series with engaging ideas and settings along with real characters that you can care about.  It was my pleasure to interview Claire to get her perspective on horror stories and writing.

What are your works and what can you tell us about them?

My Odium The Dead Saga series is my most popular work so far. Of which there are currently 2 full books and 2 novellas, with both the third full length and novella in the making.

Think zombies, apocalyptic worlds, dystopian landscapes. It focuses more on realistic characters than just the blood  and gore though. Though of course there’s gore a plentiful! 

My other series is My Obsession Series – Limerence – that’s based around old school gothic style Bram Stoker-esq vampires. 

I also have several anthology contributions under my belt such as, Fading Hope: Humanity Unbound, State of Horror Illinois, and Let’s Scare Cancer to Death A charity zombie anthology.

Why do you write about dark and scary things?

I honestly don’t know why. Every time I have tried to write something, shall we say, normal (?) I end up killing someone or having them be a monster of some sort. I’ve no idea why it happens haha. From a young age I was fascinated with movies like The Lost Boys and Bram Stoker and Night of the Living Dead, so it’s obviously stuck with me through the years. I read pretty much any genre though, so I’d really like to be a genre hopper myself and branch out…whether I can do that without killing someone off is another matter though.

What is your latest project/release and what is it about?

I’m currently hard at work on two full length projects and two anthology contributions. I’m working on the third in the Dead Saga series, which I’m hoping will be out January time if all goes well, and I have a Super Secret Project that I’ve been working on also. It’s 90% complete as I write this, but I’m certain once this interview airs it will be completed and with the edited. I can’t say much more about it than it’s a zompoc book and I love it. It’s so far 85’000 words (again, only 90% complete) and has only taken 3 weeks to write it so far., THAT’S how much I've loved writing it.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer and how do you go about the writing process?

I’ve ALWAYS wanted to write. I have notebooks and pads filled with horror stories that I wrote when I was only ten or eleven. (Seriously, why were my parents not more worried?) For my twelfth birthday I got a typewriter but it only lasted a year because I went through so much ink for it my parents refused to buy me anymore and I went back to my trusty pen and paper!

My publishing journey actually only started in 2012 when I joined the writing site Authonomy. I put online a couple of chapters of the book I was currently writing – Limerence and got talking with other writers and learnt a lot about my skill and how to mould it into something useable.

I normally find an image I like and from that image I come up with the plot. I try to write an outline, and in all honesty when I have done it’s made things so much easier. BUT I really struggle with writing them. I’m a seat of your pants writer and my plot changes as my characters become reckless assholes who decide to ignore my demands of staying on one plot path, so I have to constantly alter it as I write.

What advice do you have for other writers?

Keep going, keep writing. DO NOT under any circumstance, write one book and put all of your energy into promoting and pushing it for the next two years. You’ll waste your time and your readers. A reader wants to become invested in a writer, and to do that they need more than one book. So write, write, write.

And I mean that literally. Write every day. I aim for a minimum of 2k a day regardless of if I’m at my boring day job, or my three kids are on school holidays and I have to work until midnight. Write every day, hone your craft and enjoy it. Because it shows in your writing.

What is your favorite zombie movie and why?

Well I have two. Night of the Living Dead because I love the old school zombies, and they are what I write about. But I also love 28 Days Later because it scares the crap out of me! I freaking hate that film, and 28 Weeks Later made me scream and run for my car after me and my husband went to watch it at the movies hahaha! Don’t judge haha, it was midnight and dark, and I would be dead within the hour if the zombie apocalypse began and they were fast zombies!

What’s up next for you?

Well, like I said I have my Super Secret Project coming out Jan/Feb and Odium III The Dead Saga around the same time. Then Odium Origins A Dead Saga Novella Part Three May2015 ish. I also have several other anthology contributions coming up also, so I’m very busy.

In 2015 I’m also at my first book signings. One in London UK in April and another in Birmingham UK in July, so I’m nervous and excited for those.

Her Featured Works

Find Our More about Claire

Friday, November 14, 2014

Double Dead Book Release - 2 New Zombie Books

On November 21 (from 6:00 to 10:00 PM ET), I'm releasing Dead Man's Land and Forget America.

Dead Man's Land is the 3rd book in my Books of the Dead series and Forget America is the 3rd and final book in the Forget the Zombie series.

Dead Man's Land follows Joel, the reluctant hero, as he leads his group of survivors as they face off with an army of the dead and and one of the living.  The odds of survival are slim.

Forget America picks up with Grant and his group of zombie refugees on the run again just ahead of the zombies.  On their way to salvation, they encounter a scary group of living and a horde of undead.

Everyone is welcome.  There will be free books, contests, and author interviews

Double Dead FB Release Party

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Feast or Famine Anthology

I just received my contributor's copy of Feast or Famine, released by Zombie Fiend Press.  My story, Ticket Out the Deadlands, appears in the anthology.  I both proud and pleased to be a part of this fine anthology of zombie stories.

You should check it out:
Feast or Famine

Friday, April 25, 2014

A New Endeavor

Writing has been a way to satisfy my creative aspirations, but I know that my creative extends past words.

I went to film school dreams of becoming a great director, but that dream didn't pan out.  I've always created visual products such as videos for educational and promotional uses.

As a part of my new writing career, I started creating my own covers both out of economic necessity and for an added creative outlet.  I think over a year of developing covers and studying other successful covers I've developed an eye for what works and doesn't work.

With that said, I'm about launch my service of providing eBook covers for other authors. I've done a few for friends at my press, but I saw a greater need.  As an indie writer, I know how stretching your dollar has to be done.  So, I thought I could help out.

So, here it is:

Here's a couple of the covers I've created.

So, if you come across the blog and need a cover, check out my premade covers.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Cover Fun

I've been working to refine my design skills in cover design.  I feel like I'm maturing and also knowing my limitations.

I recently did a cover for my friend T.L. Decay for his new horror poetry collection.  It's called More Scary Writing.

T.L. and the other folks at my publisher all loved it.  Most said it was creepy.

By the way, it has two poems about scary clowns.

I'm also refining the cover my upcoming release, Dead Man's Land.  It's the third book in my Books of the Dead series.  The first draft of that book is just about completed.  I just looked and I have been working on that book for seven months. I found that shocking.  I have fitted in several other projects while I've been writing this one.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic.  Here's the cover.  I decided to go with a spare design.  The initial reaction has been very positive.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

New Short Story Release - A Monster in the Woods

Last week, upon the release of my latest novel, Lord of the Dead, I also released my first short story targeted at young readers.  It is titled, A Monster in the Woods.

I've had this story floating around in my head for awhile.  If you like the movie Super-8, you'll like this story.  It's the tale of Todd Evans and his life-long wish to see a monster.  He learns that it isn't always good to get what you wished for.

A Monster in the Woods (Amazon)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Interview with Owen Baillie

Owen Baillie lives in Melbourne, Australia with his wife and three children. He grew up reading Stephen King, Richard Matheson, and Jean Auel, amongst others. He loves hearing a good story, particularly with a fantastic element and his bookcases are filled with an eclectic mix of authors. His writing is the first priority of the day before he heads off to my full time job!

Why do you write about dark and scary things? 
I love a good scare, and am heavily influenced by Stephen King and Richard Matheson. I the idea of spooky things of which we don’t know too much, is appealing. 

What is your latest project/release and what is it about? 
I currently finishing off book II in my Invasion of the Dead series - Aftermath, book I, was released in November last year to more success than I ever anticipated.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer and how do you go about the writing process? 
I realised I wanted to write a long time ago after reading the Green Mile. For me, writing a story is an ongoing process. It starts with an idea, then more ideas that I have to connect. I then form a rough outline, and start writing. It never ends up the way I expected.

What advice do you have for other writers? 
The only way to do it is spend time crunching out words, good or bad. The more you write, the better you’ll become. It’s like when swimmers talk about needing a certain amount of time in the pool, or runners on the track - writers need time in the chair, and everyday, without fail. 

What’s up next for you? 
Book III in the series, then a sci-fi thriller I’ve outlined, which I’m quite excited about.

What is it like being a writer in Australia?
It’s a minor point of difference being from Australia, as there aren’t too many of us. Placing my story here has helped sell books, I’m sure.

Owen Baillie Bibliography

Aftermath: Invasion of the Dead

Murder Inc.

The Perils of Adultery

Friday, March 14, 2014

Interview with Catt Dahman

Catt Dahman Interview

Catt Dahman is an eclectic author of over 20 books cross several genres -- be it horror, sci-fi, and crime.  Her work career is just as diverse as her fiction as she has been a teacher, private investigator, author, and owner of a small press (J. Ellington Ashton Press).  Along with work, she also is interested in scuba diving, gardening, and reading.

Why do you write about dark and scary things?
* My grandparents' home was always considered to be "haunted" so I grew up with spooky experiences that were "the norm". I think life, in general can be scary with the unknown, cruelty of humans, nature, science, and history. I mean, I watched a show about ants and termites and it was very scientific, but it was scary to think tiny creatures have such abilities and interesting lives. I  guess we all define 'scary' as different. I write about what I find normal or interesting, with a twist and it becomes scary; I think it's how I examine my feelings about different topics.

What is your latest project/release and what is it about?
*Right now, I am pretty heavily into a  1970s crime/mystery/thriller series. it's really just like zombies or vampires or's a vehicle...but I still explore things. In this series, I have gotten to look at history, women's roles, science, and the beginnings of the FBI. I studied criminal psychology and law so this is my chance to use my education. We've come a long way in the last 30ish years and I am having fun with exploring how criminology has changed.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer and how do you go about the writing process?
* I loved writing scary stuff way back when I was in about 6th grade but didn't have maturity. I really didn't have the life skills and experience until I was over 30. I hand wrote things...westerns...a huge zombie series...but didn't do anything with it, really, until about 2 years ago. Out of no where, I decided to write after seeing the changes Kindle was causing in the writing world. I landed a writing contract for 9 books in  a series within a half a year and have produced about 25 books now. I still have 10 or so I have not typed yet to release.   As far as writing, I get a weird interest or idea, research and find weird and amazing connections to other areas and begin to write. I never plan endings or outline; I just type and tell beginning to end and do very few content edits afterwards.

What advice do you have for other writers?
*Not helpful advice. I say to expect to spend for a good editor, pay for a good cover, learn or pay for formatting, and go first with presses. Listen to presses and what they suggest. Not everyone is a writer, but learning rules of grammar  can help. Read everything. Always be gracious.

What’s up next for you?
* More horror, westerns, historical horror, maybe sci-fi based horror. The best part, like when I write a book....I never know where I will go and what I will find. I like that. Not knowing is kind of fun!

Catt Dahman Bibliography (Partial)

Interview with Eloise Knapp

Eloise Knapp Interview

Eloise Knapp is a multi-talented designer and author who makes Seattle her home.  Her breakthrough book, The Undead Situation (published by Permuted Press), takes a unique perspective on a zombie outbreak.  Her latest book, Pulse, is a leading seller on Amazon in Post-Apocalyptic fiction.  She has an eclectic set of hobbies which includes guns, baking, and quilting.

Why do you write about dark and scary things?
I've been infatuated with things that scare me since I was a little kid. All my aunts and uncles loved Twin Peaks and X-Files. My grandpa would tell me classic horror stories like "the hook hand on the car door" and such. It definitely stuck, and here I am!

What is your latest project/release and what is it about?
My latest release is a book called Pulse. It is about a deadly parasite that makes people go insane and become extremely violent.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer and how do you go about the writing process?
I've always written little stories here and there. I didn't know I wanted to write whole novels until one of my family members did. I felt inspired, and like it was something I could do. For my writing process, I usually let an idea percolate for a few months before I start to write. I do outlining, and a bit of writing by the seat of my pants.

What advice do you have for other writers?
Write every day. Even if you only write a couple hundred words, you have to get into the habit. Writing is a muscle you have to work out.

What’s up next for you?
I'm finishing the last book in my Cyrus V. Sinclair trilogy, then after that... the world!

Eloise Knapp bibliography:

The Undead Situation

The Undead Haze


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lord of the Dead Launch Party

Launch Party This Friday, March 14, starting at 4:00 PM

Lord of the Dead, the long awaited sequel to Sanctuary from the Dead, gets its official release on Friday, March 14 starting at 4:00 PM ET and running until 9:00 PM. This sequel picks up a few months after Joel and his fellow survivors have found a new home away from the city and the hordes of undead. Just as they start to settle into a routine of daily survival a new and deadly enemy appears to threaten everything Joel and his friends hold dear.

It all happens here on my writer's Facebook page:

They’ll be free short stories, other giveaways, trivia, and author interviews. Please plan to come

Friday, February 14, 2014

Eat Your Heart Out Facebook Zombie Book Extravaganza

The Eat Your Heart Out Facebook Zombie Book Extravaganza is Feb. 14, 2014.  It features 30 zombie/horror writers and 30 of their works.

All the books sold that day will cost ONLY $.99.  (Omnibuses or boxed sets will be $1.99)

There's a great array of talent ranging from seasoned and respected veterans to some up and comers in the field of zombie writing.

Here's a partial list:

  • Tim Long (Author of Among the Living)
  • Rachel Aukes (Author of 100 Days in Deadland)
  • Darren Wearmouth (Author of First Activation)
  • Rhiannon Frater ((Author of the As the World Dies series)
  • Craig DiLouie, Stephen Knight, and Joe McKinney offer up their series the The Retreat
  • And many, many more

I'll have a book in the event, Forget the Alamo

Come one, come all.  Great zombie writing for great prices.  You can't afford to miss it.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Lord of the Dead - Launch Coming Soon

I will be officially launching the sequel to Sanctuary from the Dead, Lord of the Dead very, very soon.  It is an epic book at over 110,000 words and picks up after Sanctuary from the Dead left off as Joel and his fellow survivors try to find a new home.  In this book, I introduce an ingenious and frightening new villain and there will be a sad body count.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Dark Matters Released

I just released my first collection of horror short stories, Dark Matters.  It contains 15 stories with seven of them being previously released content and eight stories being never before being published.

The stories cover a gambit of topics and creatures ranging from zombies (of course) to vampire to ghosts to other monsters.  Zombies lead the pack, though, with seven stories being about them.  The stories also vary in length.  There are four flash fiction stories and two extra long short stories and the rest in between.   The collection also includes the premiere of my first youth oriented short story, A Monster in the Woods.

On the whole, I'm pretty satisfied with it.  So, if you're looking for some short scary stories, you should can check it out.

Dark Matters on Amazon